Usages et taux d’adoption de l’internet aux USA

Des statistiques du cabinet PEW sur plusieurs années :

Who’s Online
A frequently updated table showing the current demographics of Internet users.

Online Activities – Total
The percentage of Internet users who have “ever done” an online activity.

Online Activities – Daily
The percentage of Internet users who do a given activity on a « typical day. »

Internet Adoption
A chart showing the change in U.S. Internet penetration over time.

Usage Over Time
A very large Excel spreadsheet available for downloading, containing data points for all online activities, with user demographics, over time. Please read Tip Sheet (below) before downloading or using this spreadsheet.

Usage Over Time Tip Sheet
Information regarding purpose and use of the Usage Over Time spreadsheet. Please read before downloading the Excel file.

Usages et taux d’adoption de l’internet aux USA